Privacy Policy





The purpose of this notice is to inform you about what personal information we collect whether this is through our website, the recruitment process, or other interaction with the 2M Group of Companies. Banner Chemicals, including Sustainable Packaging Technologies and its subsidiaries, are part of the 2M Group of Companies and for the purposes of this policy all references to 2M Group of Companies apply to Sustainable Packaging Technologies. We will also define how we use the information, whether the information is disclosed and the ways in which we protect your privacy.

We want you to feel secure when interacting with the 2M Group of Companies and are committed to respecting your privacy and complying with data privacy regulations, such as The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (Regulation (EU) 2016/679).


Contents of this notice:

1. Your data and the 2M Group of Companies website

  • How do we use cookies and log files?
  • How is my data collected through website forms?
  • What information is collected through the 2M Group of Companies user accounts?
  • How long will the 2M Group of Companies store my information?

2. The 2M Group of Companies use of social media


3. The 2M Group of Companies recruitment process

  • What happens to my personal data when I apply for a role with the 2M Group of Companies?
  • How long is my application information / personal information stored in the 2M Group of Companies applicant management systems?

4. The 2M Group of Companies business development process

  • Working with our suppliers, customers and prospective customers
  • Marketing

5. General privacy questions

Can I access my personal information that the 2M Group of Companies is storing?

How do I contact the 2M Group of Companies if I have a personal data question?

  • How does the 2M Group of Companies store my data?
  • What is the legal basis for the processing of my data?
  • What type / category of data does the 2M Group of Companies store?
  • Changes to this GDPR Policy


1. Your data and the 2M Group of Companies website

Whenever you visit this website, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of that information in accordance with this privacy notice.

Non 2M Group of Companies websites linked to or from our website are not covered by this privacy notice and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for those websites.


How do the 2M Group of Companies collect my personal data through the website?

There are three ways which the 2M Group of Companies websites collect your information:

  • Cookies and log files
  • Forms
  • User account

How do we use Cookies and log files?

These technologies enable us to identify what areas of the website you have visited and how you got there. We use the aggregated information from website visitors, for example aggregated information on the pages visited, to help us improve the design, performance and delivery of the website to provide a better user experience.

We use many different cookies on our website:

1. Session cookies

We use session cookies to ensure that you are recognised when you move from page to page within the website and that any information you have entered is remembered.

2. Persistent cookies

We use persistent cookies for website analytics and to improve website performance.

3. Third party cookies

We may use suppliers who also set cookies on our website on our behalf to deliver the services that they are providing.


How to control cookies 

Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. If you do not wish your progress through the website to be tracked then all recent versions of popular web browsers have the option to not accept cookies. However, by choosing not to accept cookies, some aspects of the website performance and user experience may be affected.


How is my data collected through website forms?

We use forms on the website to enable you to easily contact the 2M Group of Companies about services, solutions and products that we can provide you with. We also use forms to enable access to resources or to register for events via our website. For example, we use forms to enable recorded access to white papers, videos or to register for conferences or webinars.

The information collected via forms enables us to understand what website users are interested in, which we use to improve the services, solutions, products, resources and events we provide you.


What information is collected through the 2M Group of Companies user accounts?

We have created user account functionality to enable regular users of the website to more easily download resources, register for events, access technical support or to contact us about services, solutions or products.

The information collected via user accounts enables us to understand what you are specifically interested in and to improve the services, solutions, products, resources and events we provide you. The user accounts also provide you with an easy to use management of your contact preferences and consent.

Below is the personal data collected when creating and using an account:

  • Name
  • Organisation name
  • Telephone (optional - if you wish for us to make contact via phone based on the consent provided)
  • Email (used as a unique field to create individual user accounts, to enable you to reset access to your account if required and to enable us to contact you via email based on the consent you have provided).
  • Job role - to enable us to provide you with relevant organisational role based information based on the consent and communication preferences provided.


How long will the 2M Group of Companies store my information?

Form data. We will hold the information provided through the forms for 12 months from collection.


2. The 2M Group of Companies use of social media

The 2M Group of Companies uses a wide range of social media channels and the processing of data within the channels is in line with the privacy policies and user agreements of each individual channel, as well as the relevant data protection regulations.


3. The 2M Group of Companies recruitment process

The 2M Group of Companies has recruitment personnel around the world looking for new people to join our wide variety of teams and disciplines, helping us to effectively and sustainably support our customers. As part of our recruitment process we advertise roles online and you can apply for these by completing the application form and providing us with your CV.


What happens to my personal data when I apply for a role with the 2M Group of Companies?

When you apply for one of the 2M Group of Companies vacancies your information is submitted to our secure applicant management systems. The data you submit will then be shared (via the system) with our HR Team, the relevant hiring manager and other people within the 2M Group of Companies who are part of the recruitment process for the role.


How long is my application information / personal information stored in the 2M Group of Companies applicant management systems?

Your personal information will be stored in the system for up to 12 months from submission. We retain your information in our system to help us maintain suitable records of how we manage the recruitment process and to help us improve and quality check the consistent approach we take.

There might also be other 2M Group of Companies roles that we think you would be interested in and retaining your information enables us to contact you about these.

If you have any questions about our recruitment privacy policies please contact us on


4. The 2M Group of Companies business development process


Working with our suppliers, customers and prospective customers

In order for the 2M Group of Companies to be able to effectively deliver services and products to our customers, and to support the development of new services and products, we store personal data about our customers and prospective customers. Personal data about customers and prospective customers will be used:

  • To send information about products and services which may be of interest.
  • To send information about products and services which may be of interest.
  • For general communications, including after sales service and responding to queries.
  • To invite customers and prospective customers to events, conferences, workshops and webinars.
  • To fulfil our obligations under contracts.

The data processed will include (but not be limited to):

  • Name
  • Email
  • Organisation
  • Telephone
  • Job Role



The data you provide is processed for marketing purposes in accordance with the consent you have given and based on the communication preferences you have provided.


5. General privacy questions


Can I access my personal information that the 2M Group of Companies is storing?

If you would like to access the personal information that we are storing then please send your request to Requests will be dealt with in accordance with GDPR.


How do I contact the 2M Group of Companies if I have a personal data question?

If you have any questions about our privacy policies, how we process data or would like to access the personal information that we are storing then please contact us at


How does the 2M Group of Companies store my data?

The 2M Group of Companies stores personal data in secure systems which are managed and maintained by approved suppliers in line with the data processing agreements we have in place with them.


What is the legal basis for the processing of my data?

All personal data is processed in line with data protection regulations. Data is processed based on the consent you have provided, for the purposes of fulfilling a contract or based on other legal basis.


What type / category of data does the 2M Group of Companies store?

The data processed will include (but not be limited to):

  • Name
  • Email
  • Organisation
  • Telephone
  • Job Role


Changes to this GDPR Policy

This policy will be reviewed and updated periodically. If any significant changes are made to this policy you will be informed via our website or by email.



Call our team on +44(0)1928 597000 or send your enquiry to and we'll get back to you.